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How can I tell if my ears need cleaning?

There are various signs that your ears could be impacted with wax. The first sign will be a feeling of fullness in the ear, ringing and buzzing in your ears that coincides with the fullness, muffled hearing or decreased hearing, a dull ache in the ears


Who will carry out my procedure?

A qualified audiologist. They are trained in all types of medical earwax removal methods.


Will using home remedies such as olive oil help completely treat the ear?

They only help when the wax is a small amount however a substantial amount of wax will need to be removed professionally.


Which oil is recommended to lubricate the ears prior to the appointment?

The best oil to use would be earol. You find it at your local pharmacy.


Which ear wax removal method is best?

Microsuction is the best method of earwax removal however in certain instances irrigation will be used. The audiologist would be able to assess which method is best.


Does earwax removal hurt?

No. However in cases where there is excessive hair in the ear canal and if the wax is not softened it might be slightly uncomfortable. The audiologist might tell you to go back home and soften the wax further


What happens if there is no wax?

If the patient is convinced that they are experiencing the symptoms mentioned above the audiologist will refer them to their GP.


Is ear wax removal a safe procedure?

With any medical procedure there is an element of risk however with microsuction the suction tube never touches the eardrum and its a dry method therefore no mess during the procedure. Irrigation is safer than the traditional syringing as the irrigation machine is always used at the lowest pressure.

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